Windows Utility Driver
Utility driver(English Version)
Supported printers
SK1-21/31/41, SK1-21H/31H, SK1-211/311, SK4-21/31,
SD3-21/22, SM4-21/31, SK5-31
The instruction manual is included in the downloaded file. For the details of the installation procedure, please refer to the manual.
Download File : UtilityPrinterDriver_V20120(zip)
Ver: 2.01.20 This version supports Windows 11.
Update history : history-utility_Ver20120R00E(PDF)
Update history
Windows SDK is also included in the downloaded file. The SDK files are found in the following location after the driver installation is completed.
C:\Program Files (x86)\Sanei Elec Inc
File name :
How to get printer status information through Windows Utility Driver
In order to get printer status information through Windows Utility Driver, the printer driver needs to be registered in Service Menu of Windows Utility Driver first. For the details, please refer to our driver manual.
Virtual com Drivers
Virtual com driver
For the installation, please refer to our installation manual included in this file.
Supported printers :
SK1 series、SK4 series, BL2-58U、SP1-21S、SP2-21、SP3-21、BLM-80、SM1-21、SM2-41、SM3-21、SM4-21、SM4-31、SD1-31、SD3-21/22
CUPS (Linux) Driver
CUPS Driver
For the installation, please refer to our installation manual included in this file.
* Please note that our CUPS driver does not support Printer Statas monitoring function.
Supported printers :
AL-58、BL2-58、BL-112、SM1-21、BLM-80、SM2-41、SM3-21、SD1-31、SD3-21/22、SK1-21、SK1-31、SK1-41、SK1-211、SK1-311、SK4-21、SK4-31、SP1-21、SP2-21、SP3-21、μTP-58、SM4-21、SM4-31, SK5-31
Panel Mount Printers
Printer driver install manual
*The status is the function to notify the status of the printer to the print job. -
Desktop Printers
Printer driver install manual
*The status is the function to notify the status of the printer to the print job. -
Please use our Utility Driver : Utility driver
Mobile Printers
Printer driver install manual
*The status is the function to notify the status of the printer to the print job. -
Kiosk Printers
Printer driver install manual
*The status is the function to notify the status of the printer to the print job. -
Please use our Utility Driver : Utility driver
Please use our Utility Driver : Utility driver
SK1-2x, 2xx
Please use our Utility Driver : Utility driver
SK1-3x, 3xx
Please use our Utility Driver : Utility driver
Please use our Utility Driver : Utility driver